The Lester family has been serving with BIMI since 2002. During that time, they have had the privilege to serve in both Canada and Australia. Currently, they are serving in the area of Perth, Western Australia.

Although Perth is a very remote city - it is a large, modern city with a population of around two million people. As with all Australian capital cities, Perth is a very diverse city with many of its residents being born overseas.

While Australia is a thoroughly secular county, there are many opportunities for effective ministry and a tremendous need for starting Bible-believing churches in this open country.

The Lesters have a passion for Perth, and love for the people there. Through church Planting in the Perth area their goals are to 1) Evangelize the lost with the gospel, 2) Equip and train believers in the Faith, and 3) Encourage others to reproduce that with which they have been entrusted.

Gary and Sherrie Lester,

our missionaries to Australia


June 21st


Gary - June 26 th

Sherrie - March 22nd

Liarra - May 17th

Mailing Address:

PO Box 3523

Success WA 6864


Facebook: Western-Shore-Baptist-Church-782757418765294/