2. Metro Manila
3. Josiah & Gloria DaCunha - Portugal
4. Sierra Leone, West Africa
5. Daniel & Lisa Files- Thailand
6. Knysna, South Africa
7. Indonesia
8. Stuart and Michelle Jellison - Okinawa, Japan - to US Military
9. Bruce and Jan Johnson - Bolivia
10. Jon Eric and Lisa Kreh - Netherlands
11. Gary and Sherrie Lester - Australia
12. Ethiopia
13. Luis and Maggie Montano - Hermosillo Mexico
14. Al and Marty Mular - Argentina
15. Ryan and Amber Nez - Navajo Nation - Window Rock
16. Go and Danielle Oishi - Japan
19. David & Deedee Sterling - Church Planting - Montana
20. Steve and Pam Thornton - Church Assistance & Planting
21. Jerry & Atalias Lantz - Brazil
22. Joe and Ella Prudentino Family - Philippines & South East Asia